Polk Township’s hearing on solar panels postponed


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May 31, 2023

Polk Township’s hearing on solar panels postponed

Polk Township’s second hearing for the proposed Effort Solar farm scheduled for tonight has been postponed to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 27 at the Polk Township Volunteer Fire Company. Township Solicitor

Polk Township’s second hearing for the proposed Effort Solar farm scheduled for tonight has been postponed to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 27 at the Polk Township Volunteer Fire Company.

Township Solicitor James Fareri said an environmental impact study was reviewed and there were discrepancies to address and fix in the proposal.

The lawyers involved in the hearing agreed to extend the hearing until September, he said.

In other business from Monday’s supervisors meeting:

• In a 3-0 vote, supervisors set the annual food truck application fee at $200. A food truck vendor can do as many public or private events in the township each year as they desire.

• There will be a public hearing at 6 p.m. on Oct. 23 at the municipal building to discuss and vote on a zoning change request from Polk Holdings LLC. The property, 695 Interchange Road, is zoned R3 and the request is to make it zoned commercial.

• Robert Butler, chairman of the Park and Recreation Committee, announced the second annual Environmental Education Day will be held from noon to 4 p.m. Oct. 1 at the township Walking Park on Township Road.

• James Moore, a resident of the Birches, asked the supervisors for help resolving a water issue on his property. Speaking directly with Roadmaster Brian Ahner, who had been to the property a couple times in the past few years, Moore said his sump pump is constantly working to deal with water coming from the back left corner of his finished basement. Ahner has been checking the culverts and readjusting the pipes in the area to alleviate the water runoff issues. Ahner said he, engineer Russ Kresge Jr. and the sewage enforcement officer could take another look sometime this week and test the water to see if it’s stormwater or sewage water.